Letters From Suburbia

musings from the throngs of bored twentysomethings

A Theme October 11, 2011

Filed under: Blogger--Justin — lettersfromsuburbia @ 7:52 pm

I have long avoided a cohesive theme for this blog. Simple reason for this—I wanted the freedom to write about whatever lunacy popped into my head. I could write about music, television, movies, pop stars, or I could write about the random nonsense that happened in my everyday life. Nothing was off-limits.

 However, not having a cohesive theme also led me to not be able to promote anything. If I told somebody I had a blog, there was no way to describe it. There was no way to get other people to write for a site that really had no point.

Eventually, it felt like not having a theme had more disadvantages than advantages. First of all, themes can be incredibly loose. If an occasional idea that doesn’t strictly conform to a basic format is something I want to write about, the blog police aren’t going to arrest me.

 I titled this blog Letters From Suburbia way back when for reasons I can’t really recall. I mostly liked the sound of it. I’ve always been a suburbanite, so really it just meant that this was writing from somebody in the suburbs. Clear enough.

But what does it mean to be from suburbia? It certainly is a drag, in many ways. A lot of time, it seems like issues are being beaten to death, and they aren’t even the issues we should be discussing. Cultured people are rare, and it can often be difficult to even engage in a meaningful conversation.

So consider this my meaningful conversation. Letters from Suburbia will bring up ideas and thoughts that I feel aren’t being addressed by other sources. It will counteract the lack of intelligent discourse of the world at large.

Now does that mean I will finally update regularly? That—you’ll just have to keep an eye on.


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