Letters From Suburbia

musings from the throngs of bored twentysomethings

Ranking the Beatles June 24, 2011

Filed under: Blogger--Justin,Music — lettersfromsuburbia @ 4:53 pm

This week on the always entertaining Judge John Hodgman podcast, the esteemed judge heard an interesting case–is the Beatles White Album one of their top five records? Judge Hodgman ruled no, and I would have to agree–along with Sgt. Pepper, it is always overvalued in the Fab Four’s canon.

So, what then, would a proper list of the band’s best albums look like? I am certainly not qualified to answer that, but because this is a blog, and bloggers are not qualified to answer anything and do anyway, I may as well give it a shot.

1. Revolver–no brainer.
2. Rubber Soul
3. Abbey Road
4. Let it Be–always unfairly maligned. Yes, the band was completely disjointed at this point. No, it’s not a cohesive album. But it’s a bunch of really good songs.
5. Help!
6. Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band–“A Day in the Life,” “Getting Better,” and a lot of stuff that’s just kinda ehhh.
7. The White Album–six or seven pretty good songs, but just oh so much filler…
8. Hard Day’s Night
9. With the Beatles
10. Beatles for Sale


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