Letters From Suburbia

musings from the throngs of bored twentysomethings

Promoting Forgiveness May 14, 2011

Filed under: Uncategorized — lettersfromsuburbia @ 7:02 pm

In some circles, it appears that saying you believe in forgiveness is like saying that you like to kick babies in the face. Forgiveness is something that everybody agrees with in theory, but once there is an actual thing to forgive, nobody wants to.

Now, a lot of the reason I believe in forgiveness so much is that I, just maybe, have a big mouth and need to be forgiven for things. Completely fair. Usually it’s that I say something stupid in response in response to something stupid somebody else says. Usually I say something bad, they say something worse. Then I forgive them for it, and they don’t forgive me for it.

I just don’t get it. People need to drop grudges in this world, but it just doesn’t happen. They go on and on and on. I have one person in my life I won’t forgive, and trust me, she deserves it. But that’s it. It’s not worth it to continue to resent other people, because we’re all just human. Humans do stupid stuff. Often. So it’s not worth it to hold grudges and not forgive.


One Response to “Promoting Forgiveness”

  1. ranidu Says:

    forgivness is not frgivin d one u can…its about frgivin the one that shud never b frgivn…..do that and evrything else will change

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